Friday 29 April 2016

Head Master's Weekly Notes - 29 April 2016

Prince, the influential pop star who passed away last week wrote ‘Sometimes it Snows in April’ and it’s ironic that during this Trinity term it actually snowed a few days after his untimely death. The weather forecast is not great.

We spoke in assembly and at St Mary’s, Bruton last Sunday, about our strong values and those British values of service and duty that epitomises the work of Her Majesty the Queen and that of St George and what we do together as a community. It was a delight to hear the exploits of our sportsmen and women as they spoke eloquently about their Sports Tour to Paris and the trophies they won, the most significant being the Fair Play Award which reflects the maturity and understanding of our students and the values that I hope they subscribe to. I hope the KS3 Trinity Exams have gone well this week and that these will continue to inform and prepare our students for the future. Our Y11 and 6th Form students continue to display a strong work ethic with the exam season ever looming and amongst all this exam preparation, the students still find time to rehearse, perform and play tennis, rounders and cricket - there were fine performances against Milton Abbey, The Gryphon and All Hallows’ this week. It is so important that there is a balance between academic studies and extra-curricular activities  – there are plenty of opportunities to participate in the latter to test physical prowess, strategy, musicality (the Summer Concert takes place next Wednesday), team work, spirituality, confidence, creativity and simply being in the great outdoors (weather permitting, of course!) – we strive to deliver an all-round education which develops the whole person.

This week, I’ve mostly been revising organic chemistry with my U6 students and we have been talking about the isotopes of carbon and how we use this important element in everyday life. I am hoping to use some carbon in the BBQ this Bank Holiday weekend but only if the sun decides to show its face. I do wonder if it is still on its Easter holidays…

Enjoy the extended exeat.

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